The Premise

It all began with an email on the 9th of January 2011, sent from Dan Lux, to his son Dan, and his nephew Dylan:
Danny and Dylan,
In February 2012, God willing, I’ll be 60 years old. As you both know, Uncle Mark and I had a dream that we would to go to Scotland with you two to play golf on some of the finest courses in the world. Alas that can’t happen as planned. But we could still go and at least partially fulfill the dream. I propose that the spring of 2012 would be a fine time to visit bonnie Scotland for golf and other activities...
No no wait, it starts much earlier than that.
Ten years ago, two brothers began discussions about a trip to take their sons to Scotland to golf. Both avid golfers and they taught their sons the game of golf. The sons both played high school golf and competed in state championships in their respective states. Dan, the older of the brothers, spent a considerable amount of time in Scotland related to his career as a geology professor. With that knowledge base, a genuine love for the game, and Scotland being the home of golf, the Scottish excursion seemed inevitable. 
In the spring of 2006  the younger brother, Mark, proposed that the trip should happen later that summer. Dan claimed he couldn’t go so they put the trip off until the spring of 2007. A few months later tragically Mark was diagnosed with cancer of the kidney, and though he put up a valiant fight, we lost him on January 25th, 2007. The trip was doomed. Dan has since been on several golf trips to Scotland and in May 2008 he was lucky enough to play the Old Course at St Andrews. Upon completion of that round he made a bucket list decision, revive the trip to Scotland with the two boys, Dan and Dylan. The economy of 2008-2010 put a damper on the trip. Procrastination hasn’t helped either. However the three are now dedicated to make the trip in early May, 2012.
We will go to Scotland, and play the ancient courses of Golf's birthplace. And will do it with Mark along with us in our memories, and in our hearts.

Dan Lux
Dan Lux
Dylan Lux